Etiqueta: Artigos
Pigments profile and antioxidant potential of extremophile cyanobacteria strains isolated from the Mexican Volcanic Lake Chichonal
Raquel Silva, Talita Gonçalves, Janaína Morone, Gabriela Alves Moreira, João Morais, Guilherme Scotta Hentschke, Peggy Elizabeth Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Ramón Alberto Batista-García, Vitor Vasconcelos, Graciliana Lopes
Exploring the cyanobacterial diversity in Portugal: Description of four new genera from LEGE-CC using the polyphasic approach
Flavio Luis de Oliveira, Guilherme Scotta Hentschke, João Morais, Raquel Silva, Pedro Cruz, Vitor M. Vasconcelos
A journey through Cyanobacteria in Brazil: a review of novel genera and 16S rRNA sequences
Scotta HENTSCHKE, G., Renan de Souza SANTOS, K., de MATTOS, L., Oliveira, F., & Vasconcelos, V. M.
A phylogenetically distant clade of Nostoc–like (Cyanobacteria) taxa with the description of Reofilinostoc matlalcueyense gen. et sp. nov. from an extreme environment
Garduño Solorzano, Gloria, MartínezZ-García, M., Hentschke, G., Solorza, L., Vasconcelos, V.
Leptochelins A–C, Cytotoxic Metallophores Produced by Geographically Dispersed Leptothoe Strains of Marine Cyanobacteria
Avalon, N. E., Reis, M. A., Thornburg, C. C., Williamson, R. T., Petras, D., Aron, A. T., Neuhaus, G. F., Al-Hindy, M., Mitrevska, J., Ferreira, L., Morais, J., el Abiead, Y., Glukhov, E., Alexander, K. L., Vulpanovici, F. A., Bertin, M. J., Whitner, S., Choi, H., Spengler, G., … Gerwick, W. H.
Microbial response to a port fuel spill: community dynamics and potential for bioremediation
Rafaela Perdigão, Maria Paola Tomasino, Catarina Magalhães, Maria F. Carvalho, C. Marisa R. Almeida, Ana P. Mucha
Unveiling the culturable and non-culturable actinobacterial diversity in two macroalgae from the northern Portuguese coast
Mariana Girão, Diogo A. M. Alexandrino, Weiwei Cao, Isabel Costa, Zhongjun Jia, Maria F. Carvalho
Cyanobacteria for Cardiomyocyte Protection against miocardial ischemia injury: a systematic review of animal and in vitro studies
Guilherme Scotta Hentschke, Vítor Scotta Hentschke, Fabiano Moraes Miguel
Anti-inflammatory activity of cyanobacteria pigment extracts: physiological radicals scavenging and modulation of iNOS and LOX activity
Lécia Rodrigues, Janaína Morone, Guilherme Scotta Hentschke, Vitor Vasconcelos and Graciliana Lopes
Aquimarina aquimarini sp. nov. and Aquimarina spinulae sp. nov., novel bacterial species with versatile natural product biosynthesis potential isolated from marine sponges
Joana F. Couceiro, Matilde Marques, Sandra G. Silva, Tina Keller-Costa and Rodrigo Costa